Thursday, November 20, 2008

she'll be coming around the mountain

LOOK! Its Rocky Surfing

This weekend my dear friends are coming to visit me, and asked for directions. I can't tell you how EXCITED I am to see my friends. To have people see MY apartment and MY school! It just makes me smile. So, I am going to post the directions here too, just incase anyone else would like to stop by. I love VISITS! I tried to be as detailed as possible. Enjoy: (visit me!)


From your house:

Get on the 101 EAST (towards desert ridge)
Get on the 51

On the 51, get in the diamond lane


You are going to go a LONG way... then the diamond lane is going to have its own personal turn off to the 10.
Just follow it. You never have to switch lanes.

You will get on the EAST 10.
You will travel for a WHILE.
In the DIAMOND lane you are going to have an exit for the EAST 60.

Its just the left exit (you will understand when you get there. ALL you need to remember is get on the 51, stay in the diamond lane and exit on the left exits.)

ONCE you get on the 60.... keep going straight.

Once you get to Apache Junction (you go through 5 lights), its about 30 minutes to Superior.
Its a little twisty, but not so bad, you have a double lane for a lot of the way.

then you keep going straight.

After you get out of superior, you are going to past through a tunnel and then it gets pretty twisty. and its going to be dark.., so be SAFE! and you have a double lane for the first part, so make sure to past the big trucks, they will drive you INSANE.

(DON'T speed here)Then you get to Miami. UGH, takes forever to get through this small town, then you get into globe, takes longer. but keep going STRAIGHT! you never turn...
(if you need to stop in globe, stop at the Shell. its on the left hand side towards the beginning of globe. its the nicest place)

then out out of globe, its all Indian rez. (no cell service) UGH! but there are certain places you will past. let me share:

1st is like 10 minutes down the road.. the CASINO! yeah its not that cool... but passing it gets you closer to ME!

2nd. I call it "Little Indian Town". its about 20 minutes from the casino... its boring but go 45, there are cops hiding..
then you drive for a while...its pretty boring. but its a GREAT time to think... i like to think at this part.

3rd. You are going to go through BYLAS! this means you are pretty dang CLOSE!
speed is 50, and on the right side, the entire town in lined in lights because:
- Indians use to lay in the street and have people run them over. so the town put lights up on both side of the street. but it was WAY to bright, so they took them off the left side and kept them in the right. try counting, i think i counted 121 before... let me know

4th (i think this is AFTER bylas... pretty sure) you are going to past Geronimo (spelled wrong?). this is where the boy scouts go to camp... and you are about 20-30 minutes from me.

5th!- you are going to get to FORT THOMAS this makes you go 45miles for like 5 minutes, its ANNOYING.

once you past that, you are soo super close. then you will drive for a bit, and get to PIMA! you will go through the fast part... then the slow 35mph part. lame...

but then... you will speed up and get to THATCHER, and then slow down.
ok once you are in thatcher its going to be REALLY fast to get to me, and REALLY easy.

you are going to go through a light. on the right side you will see the college.... then a block later you are going to see a Marquee, turn right at the marquee. and then its your first left.

i had to remove the more detailed directions of my apartment...)

see its soo easy.
just remember, don't turn till thatcher!

I can't wait to see you. call me if you have questions! love you!

So that is what I sent. I can't wait until tomorrow night! Its going to be so much fun to party like a rock.
-I am not sure if it's Megier or Alyssa that says that.

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

we both say it. we started it together. I CAN'T WAIT EITHER!!
except I have no cute clothes. I found out when I was paking :[
but I love when that is my biggest worry!! :]