Wednesday, November 9, 2011

If Only...

Yes. If only I had an elephant my life would finally be perfect. An elephant is a loyal companion. He would be named Eleanor. Together we would go on the greatest adventures, whenever we wanted. I would buy him peanuts and he would protect me. He would kiss me with his trunk and I would scratch his head. I promise I would be the best elephant owner there ever was. We would live acres and acres of land, having camp-outs almost every night. If only I could just go to the store and pick one up.

Just silly thoughts that occupy my day dreams . . .

Monday, November 7, 2011

Flipping through photo's....

I Found This Picture

August 10, 2009
We had been swimming and it was nap time. Sophie fell asleep on me and Chloe slowly dozed off watching a movie. I miss having days like this with them.

I started looking through some old pictures, and these are some of my FAVORITES!

Stop growing up! I miss snuggling on the couch and falling asleep with the "little girls"!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Canada Suprise!

Sometimes a boy comes from Canada.
And he brings me my very own Polar Bear.
And we wear our cookie monsters shirts together.
And it is all very funny to me.
It was a nice surprise.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

3 years ago today!

Crazy to think it has been 3 years since Pamella went to the MTC. And Rocky will be coming home in just 3 months! It has been a long time since the 5 of us were all together!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Rooming Situation..

Hailey, Michelle and I are once again roommates!

Hailey met Logan Black and fell in love....

So he is now apart of our lives too. (Yes, she will be a Black soon too)

Me and Michelle might actually be getting closer... if that is possible?

Steff, Michelle Kelsey, ME, Hailey

I don't think I have stopped laughing...

I am blessed with GREAT roommates.

Monday, October 31, 2011


So the weekend of Halloween was a crazy one....

Lets just say from Friday to Monday.... we considered everyday dress-up day. And so that we did. It was hat day Friday while we watched scary movies, Saturday was Zoombie day when we watched scary movies, and Monday was Police officer day when we went to T-Bell to eat. :]

Hope everyone had as good of a weekend as I did!


Sunday, October 30, 2011

I didn't die...

Today is a cloudy day in Idaho.

I am way behind on the blog, I can't catch you up on the last months... but I can start telling you about my present, and this I shall do.

My life is grand. October is month 13 of living in Idaho (I was home for the entire August season). I am loving it here!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Oh my little girls!

Chloe & Sophie
Make me one promise: never grow up! I have a week left till I am home. I miss you two so very much. I can't wait to go swimming with you. I will be home soon and we will play all day together. Counting down the days till I can see you.
I LOVE you more than your little hearts know!!!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy Birthday!

Dearest Alyssa Jesser.

Today you were born. Thus today is one of my most FAVORITE days! I am so grateful for our friendship. They fact we can go months and months without seeing one another... and yet still remain best friends, means something special. I love you and I am a better person because I know you. I hope you have the MOST amazing day, because you deserve it. Please, for me on your 21st birthday, go somewhere or go do something that requires a checking of your pretty little ID. :D It is a must. Have an awesome time, party hard.


P.S. We are having another party when I see you... maybe a Vegas trip? Ya... think about it!

Friday, May 6, 2011


Give me the sun.
Take away the wind.
And we might get along.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Hey girl Hey

[We had too much fun with the camera]
So I haven't been so great at keeping this thing up to date lately... sorry. But nothing epic is really happening, thus I feel no need to write. However, today I do want to tell two VERY special girls that I LOVE them so very much. I miss Chloe and Sophie the most when I am away, and we just had so much fun together over the break. We had bike rides, wagon rides, feed the horses, went to play in mall toys, out for ice cream, picnics at the park, story times, and wild dance parties. So today when Sarah texted me and told me that Sophie "just needs her bwitney", I was tempted to pack up my things and have a little visit in the great old AZ. Since I have school, I can't be so spontaneous, I can however tell them I LOVE them... and post some of our epic pictures we took. Love you girls.
I miss you like crazy.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Fun Facts about Brittany Black

When I am stressed, I paint my nails black.
I listen to country when I feel like crying.
The sun can make a bad day turn great.
I read one fairly tale before bed.
Working out is medicine for me, I need a daily dose.
My favorite spot is on my desk, by the window- it is just my size.
I can still blush at anything, though I hide it a bit better.
Riding a bike means falling over every 5 minutes, for me.
Currently I am sitting waiting for an Easter Basket...
I am horrible at writing letters, but send me some.
I spend way to much money on books and music.
Someday I will do a cartwheel.
Most of the time when I get really hungry I just drink koolaid.
I can watch White Christmas anytime.
My mom is still the one I call and tell everything too.
Every picture in my room has a detailed story behind it.
In the end, all I want is to lay in the grass under the warm sun.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Takin' a cruise...

So my father bought me this ADORABLE yellow beach bike. Finally on Saturday the weather was perfect, so Hailey and I went on a little bike ride together all through the Burg. It was an epic adventure. Thank you sun for coming out. :D