Sunday, November 23, 2008

Creating Thatchians

Step One: Go to Walmart

When Taylor and Alyssa got here on Friday night, they wanted to see Thatcher. I was like, "You where just outside, but here, I'll open the door for you again. THIS is Thatcher." But that wasn't good enough for my P-town and Flag girls. So we went for a drive. And did the coolest thing in the world, well at least to me (they thought it was LAME). But didn't take any pictures doing that, but we did document the rest of our travels through Wally World.

Step Two: Bake

AJ was totally missing a kitchen in Flag. So we made cookies, and when I say "we", I mean AJ. I did have the idea to double the reciepe. Haha, therefore we had like a thousand cookies. It was double double chocolate chip with white chocolate chips too. Yummy.

Step Three: Blog

What else do I do?

Step Four: Puzzle!

We got this at Walmart. Its extremely conplex. Taylor was VERY dedicated, and AJ had the best eye. Athough sometimes she just smashed pieces together. Ha Ha.


wendybird said...

you girlies are cute! I want to know what y'all did that you didn't take pictures of... hahaha

Alyssa said...

haha true that!!
so where is the rest of the weekend?
I am thinking this visit is taking up more than one blog? if so SWEET
I had a blast:]