Wednesday, November 26, 2008

heavy eyes

what do you dream about?

This morning I was laying in my bed, snuggled between my beach sheets, I called for my mom to come in. I love that she is always awake before me so she can come and lay beside me. As soon as she snuggled in my sheets too, I couldn't wait to say "Happy Birthday!" She had totally forgotten, and I was the first wish of the day. I proposed that we just stay and sleep in bed all day, and not work. ( This was impossible since we are hosting Thanksgiving and today is a pre-cooking party at our house.) And my not-so-old, very WISE, mother said, "Brittany, do you know how to make you dreams come true?" I said (still not-so-awake) "By fortune cookies and shooting stars?" "No." "How do dreams come true?" And feeling very wise she said, "They come true when you wake up."

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

your grandma is amazingly wise.
&happy birthday to your mom.:]