Tuesday, November 4, 2008

can i please get a cook in here!

So, Monday was insane...
It was Pamella's last day to shop and get ready before leaving to Provo and entering the MTC on Wednesday. That night she was being set apart and family was coming over for dinner. My mother wasn't getting home till late, so it was my job to make the food...

Let me give you some back round on my cooking skills:
.... ok I have none. Lately people have looked at me and said "Wow Brittany, you are losing weight." I have kinda resented this because I feel like I don't deserve their praise. If anything, I am super lazy and eat awful. But they are right, and the reason for this is a little embarrassing, and it would make my YW leaders cry. I can't make food for myself. I am going to be a pencil by the time school in over. I don't like eating out, but when I look in the Refrigerator, all I see are ingredients. Somehow you have to put them together to make the food... yeah right. This is probably why I go a full day and lay in bed and think "wow, I haven't eaten today." So now that you how food challenged I am....

I am making dinner for everyone Monday night. My mom called and told me to "shake and bake" pork chops, have potatoes, corn and a salad... oh bread too.
So Pamella had left some meat on the counter, and I kinda forgot to tell them to get more potatoes at the store, but I thought I could wing it. Found some cans in the pantry that had corn on them and cut up some lettuce and tomatoes...

My mom came home and looked at what I was doing for a very long time... I thought it was just cause she was proud. No, wrongo. She, after about 3 minutes, figured out what was different. "Brittany, by the way, those aren't pork chops, those are ribs." Now, a few other events had happened right before this to make me quite emotional. My mom couldn't stop laughing and I just cried and walked away...

Then she said, like only mom can say and make you believe it, "Oh Brittany, its ok. I will help you. Now where are the other potatoes?" I told her we don't have anymore. "Cut up so more lettuce for this salad." Its all gone. but then I did do SOMETHING right. I said, "There is corn in the pot on the stove." She took the lid off and laughed again... "Brittany this is 'cream of corn'." I just cried. By this time my cousins where there and Sarah (a amazing cook) was looking at me, quite confused. My family was sad, they thought we would never eat that night.

OK... HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO KNOW WHAT RIBS AND PORK CHOPS LOOK LIKE? The are both red and gross. And (before I found out I did everything wrong) my dad was laughing at me cause I gagged everything I touched the meat. Ugh, gross.

So that was Monday. Luckily I went to the store with Sarah. She bought food, and came home and made us dinner. Thank goodness for Sarah. She is such a lifesaver.

I am sure one day I will look back at this and laugh. But for right now, I just think that it was all very legit, and I was trying very hard. But, while Sarah made the food, I played Barbies with Chloe. And I think people understand me now when I say "I can't cook and I will starve at school." My mom told me "Everyone said you gain the freshman 15, my girls lose it." Pshhh.... I can make grilled cheese, and really... its all you need.

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

you are so funny.
don't get married. yet.
we should cook together sometime.
it would be interesting.