Monday, April 27, 2009

Random Facts.

Here are some things I think to write about.
But then I never do because there isn't much to say:

I like trucks better than cars.
I am pretty sure all boys do is sleep and take their pants off.
One time I ran someone off the road. (accident)
If you really care about someone you will call until they answer.
When in a water gun fight, make sure your victim doesn't have access to a hose.
Don't ever wear a tye-dye shirt when moving in. (your roommate will NEVER forget)
Mom's have the answers for EVERYTHING. They are always right and you should just accept it.
Crying helps, but doesn't solve anything.
I still hope that Elane and Jerry's relationship exist.
When in doubt, just say "si" or "bueno".
A black man currently holds the highest position in the world. (apparently racism isn't the "in" thing.)
My top super power would be stretchy arms.
Country music makes you re-exam your life.
Sometimes you need to take yourself out of a situation, completely.
Summer plans can get you through the last month of school.
A 3 year old might be my funniest friend.
I would rather dance to Mexican music any day.
Best friends are those you know will still be there for you in a year.
Everyone should make a "wish list" and write down ALL the things they want to do.
Then do them.
Holding hands is more intimate than cuddling.
My roommate's frog almost died. I was more worried than anyone.
I wish I had a dart gun, every single day.
Black nails, well I can't explain that one.
A little sunflower tattoo would be cute. (are you thinking henna? I am)
Getting mail is ALWAYS more fun than sending mail.
Killing ants is the best cure.


Alyssa said...

I like this a lot.
(if you could see my nails right now you'd understand.)
I want to dance to Mexican music right now!
Although I think I just decided I am wearing a tyedye shirt when I move in;]

brittany said...

PLEASE wear a tyedye shirt!

The Tanner and Bryan Experience said...

Okay, Mexican music is DEFINITELY the best to dance to.. or do anything to for that matter... I think...

And I don't know what kind of boy is taking his pants (or any article of clothing) off in front of you

Furthermore, I wish I had a tyedye shirt more than almost anything.

P.S. Technically,Obama does not hold the highest position in the world. But yeah, racism is so out.