Thursday, April 16, 2009

I think I might smell?

Random occurrences, that aren't so random at EA:
There comes a time in EVERYONES life where they must take down their, "Get SOME" posters? Right?

Then EVERYONE has to replace the small bathroom fan with the DADDY of all fans.
You have to be careful when you turn on the big fan, you might blow away.

EVERYONE needs to cut their paint shirt into sleeves?
I have never been more scared in my life.

The most recent. EVERYONE packs by just throwing there stuff in a suitcase.
clothes don't really have to be folded, right?

I hate packing. It stresses me out. I always think I am going to forget something so I end up taking WAY to much. What exactly will I feel like wearing in Mexico? I am unsure. So I have packed for all weather. Or at least I started to. But then I got tired, or more like bored. So I started watching The Office on line. And now I think I really need a shower. And to clean my room and finish packing. But, well there is no but. I do smell and my hair has started taking on it's own life.