Sunday, April 19, 2009

MeXiCaN oR aMeRiCaN?

One of my favorite pictures.

JuSt A sPlaSh In My WeEkEnd:


"Yeah, hate her."

"Do YoU wAnT tO mAkE a MoVe?"

"Jose" "Jos B" "That's Jose's brother, his twin."

"Do they do this every Saturday?" "Every Saturday I have been here they have."

"Well, I saw you guys go off with the Mexicans and I was like .... whatever."


"Are you guys staying?" "Forever?"

"The Golden Egg riding top gun."

"JuSt KnOwInG i CoUlD pAsS tHeM iS eNoUgH."


"When little kids run away from me, I take it personally."

"Does this town have a name?" "Why?"


The Tanner and Bryan Experience said...

some times I have no idea what your posts are about. :)

I too take it personally when little kids run away from me

Alyssa said...

you forgot "Did they wash their hands?"