Saturday, May 30, 2009

Long time, no post.

"You know what I just thought about?"


It seems that I am either doing nothing, or I am doing a million different things in one day. I am now working again. [If you are ever at the mall stop by, I will give you my ultra-barbie greeting.] Rocky and I (meaning just Rocky) took out the side walk. And I had friend time.

Friend time consisted of going to Duboui's apartment to "hang". (in quotations because it isn't real a term) We played card games, I lost everytime. Kasey was shockingly good. We ate pizza, yumm. We ordered online so we wouldn't have to call, but then called to get help with our order. And we watched a movie, I fell asleep in the first -1 minutes. 2:30 I returned home.

Today my dad bought me an Electric Fly Zapper! It was like Christmas in May!!! I LOVE it. Best purchase of the month. ;]

Fabulous summer memories.....


Steph Weaver said...

Hey Brit! I just wrote your sister a LONG will probably take her entire PDay to read it! So, I doubt she will have time to write anyone back...sorry!

LOVE your hair! I haven't looked at your blog in a long time. Makes me feel old...when Mike and I got married we were your primary teacher's the year you were turning 8! You were the only girl in the class...surrounded by boys. Seems you might be following the same trend. And with the cute hair I wouldn't expect anything less!

Congratulations to Rocky! What are your parents going to do next year? Tell them that I will come and entertain them with my kiddos! We need to come visit!

Where are you working? The kids are out of school and we are home...come visit us! Email me so we can catch up. My kids would really love to come visit everyone, including grandma & grandpa!

Alyssa said...

thank you for putting a picture of me with a twizzler under my nose on your blog.

Taylor said...

ur so good!!