Friday, May 22, 2009

gRaDuAtIoN dAy.

This morning started with me laying down next to Rocky whispering, "Rocky, you graduate today!"

He was still half asleep, but had a sleepy smile on.

Yesterday, in the mist of getting ready for the party, my dad and brother decide that this is the time to add a new sprinkler in. Why you may ask? I ask that too. Simba had a grooming appointment to look all pretty for tomorrows guest. While loading her into the truck Rocky discovered some illnesses. It ended with the vet and a stack of pills. Poor thing. She will be OK though, and her hair will be cut tomorrow. Showers and smiles, it was already time to leave. The Cardinal Stadium is such an interesting place to have Graduation. People were eating hot dogs and nachos during the ceremony. Odd. But it was so great. All my little juniors were graduating. It was hard not to remember my day, only a year ago, especially with Taylor sitting next to me. We decided it wasn't as much fun when it isn't your graduation. But still, it was good. Probably cause it only lasted about 45 minutes. Ben gave an aMAZing farewell speech. Perfect. Rocky was, of course, the best part. And so dang handsome!!!

On the way out.

Farewell Speech.

"Rocky Lee Black"

(and the crowd goes wild!)

Class of 2009!

Family shot.
(took FOREVER to find each other)

After we went to Fuddruckers. YUM!

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