Monday, October 27, 2008


Homecoming Weekend:
Was really fun Friday Ash and I went to Casa's for MEXICAN food. YUMMMY! Then worked at the dance, at the entrance with Jenny and Ashli. It was really fun, more fun than the dance. Before we started Jenny said we had to be really tough on people that didn't have their ID. The very first person did not have their ID, I said they had to pay... I was being VERY strict. But Jenny was like "Ok, you can go in.." HA! Traitor! But it was fun to talk with these girls, and really, the party came outside to us! ;)

Then, that night (Dance got over 12) we went to Rendnolds to go camping! Ashli packed in like 2 seconds. I am like the slowest girl ever. So we followed Owen, David and Jay out there. Then had to drop the car off and loaded up with the boys to go the little bit farther to the fire. Then we were there! It was a lot of fun. Weird that it was all of Pamella's old friends. We would meet and then somehow Pamella would come up and suddenly I was "Pam's little sister" all over again. That is my title. humm, so the fire was really warm and fun. We left around 4 am. Not camping... so came home and saw our room.... IT WAS SO DIRTY! And It was way depressing to have to clean it all up! Well, more like move it around so it was more easily to walk. LOL. Then..

Well. 2pm was the Fall Sing (a very fun EA performance that me and Ashli planned on attending) but wait... we didn't get up until 3PM! Yes, that is right, we slept for 11 hours, Its insane. But then I was suppose to be at the football field at 4:15 for the game.... yeah. that DIDN'T happen. Its was probably around 6:45 that Ash, Izzy and I made it down to the football field. 13 minutes lasted about 30 minutes. Football games are so deceiving like that. But half time was really funny. So then we left to get food at Jill's. (Its a Mexican name that I can't say or remember, So I call it "Jill's"). And came back to the apartment to eat! Yumm yumm. Actually it was really gross, but we ate it anyways and all kinda got sick. Then Ash and I went to Wally World to get some items. (mostly for candy so I can send my packages to Chandler and Logan). So I came home and made there packages. And had a lot of left over candy. So I ate a lot of it... like A LOT OF IT! And had a burst of energy. So Izzy, Ash and I took a walk around campus and down to the baseball fields to look at stars. But the sprinklers were on and it was soo cold. And plus there was huge Geese somewhere that was going to EAT me! And the other two just laughed, but I have seen Cloverfield, I know what can happen. So we somehow made it home. Went to bed around 2-3ish that night.

Then Sunday, glorious Sundays, woke up just in time to get ready and go to church. Finally come home around 4 and made MAC&CHEESE! Something we haven't eaten in a long time. And I stepped outside for just a few seconds and when I came back in, my roommates where eating MARSHMELLOWS! HAHA, it was soo funny. They make me laugh soo much. I love all their crazy ideas. Then, I was in a bit of a "pity me mood", so I went into my room and closed the door and started Swan Princess and started eating CANDY again.... I may have eaten to much. But I didn't think I was being so loud and I started singing along with the movie. Well I forgot how ANNOYING my roommates are and the power of a camera.... So they video taped my performance... Its on my roomies Ashli's blog, click HERE to see it. The best part of it is hearing Ashli laugh in the back round. I think she has the FUNNIEST laugh. Anyways... then it was a fireside, and no Internet. It was such a boring night without the Internet. So I just stared at Ashli while she did her homework. It was really a interesting day... BAHAHA

I love my roommates so much... they are so funny. Me and Ashli Laughed so much this weekend! It was really funny.


Alyssa said...

I just watched that video and if I had had to pee I would have peed my pants.
SERIOUSLY funniest thing I have ever seen!! hahaaaaa.
Three things came out of that..
1. I really want to watch that movie now.
2. I justed added a good thirteen minutes to my life because of laughing.
ps. who is that boy?

The Tanner and Bryan Experience said...

Dear Friend Brittany, you are great. This is your best friend Tanner from FHE. You have a beautiful blog.

ashliteeps said...

i am unhappy about that picture. my bootious is just out there for the whole world to see now! thanks, thanks a lot.

remember, i know where you sleep.