Friday, October 24, 2008


So today I really had a minor freak out, where I went a little crazy and signed up for every class I could next semester. I only have 3 semesters left. And I need A's in every class. And you know, its a little stressful sometimes. And looking at the schools I am going to transfer too, that's extremely worrisome. I am trying to complete all those credits at EA along with my EA credits, and I got maybe, slightly a little crazy. Ashli just kept laughing at me, my mom told me I had a better plan than most. But it feels like I am going to be in school for forever. And I want to hurry up an get it done. Well, to show you how freaked out I was, I planned spring, summer I and II, and fall of 2009. Yeah, most people aren't that insane. There is just SO MANY things you can choose. How do you only choose one? I am feeling very over whelmed. Worrying makes you very tired. And so now I stopped looking at all the colleges websites, and just going to rest on the whole major/career choice for right now. I want to hurry up and get school over with, at least the boring part. I love EA, its fun and there is always something to do here. But I am here for school. I have 2 years to get as much knowledge as possible before I move somewhere else. That concept is frightening. 2 years to do as much as you can. OK, taking deep breaths and realizing how this doesn't need to be solved all in one day in a few hours. School, people have no idea how hard it is to PICK! or at least for me it is... but I am starting to get an idea of what I want to-do. That's something productive that came out of today. I do have a bit of direction....


Taylor said...

oh brittany,

it never ceases to amaze me that even though we are far apart, we seem to be worried about the same issues around the same time. I hear ya! this weekend is my time to figure out my major aswell and which school to transfer to in a year..can u say pressure?
lol I know that whatever we choose we will be BOMB-DIGGITY!
LOVE YOU, don't stress

Alyssa said...

what you both choose will be "bomb diggity" because you will both pick NAU as your school to transfer to.:]
love you both.