Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I am hiding out in the institute building using the internet. Why you ask? I think Aubrey might have MONO, or she thinks she having a relapse. So, therefore I am not going home until I have to... It has always been my fear to catch this disease. And I blame Michael Schroeder for that. I once told him of this fear and he laughed at me and told me what would happen if I had mono. Now, not only am I terrified to get it, I also start thinking I randomly have the symptoms. Its a difficult thing to deal with, the not having mono. Its kinda like when you don't have the chicken pox. And everyone around you has had already. So, they don't really care. But you are pure, uninfected and scared to get it. So, that my "rambling" for the day. Apparently, according to some people, or just one person I tell really bad stories. Aub's I hope you get well soon!

update... Ok, so just got home and sprayed Lysol everywhere, and Anywhere Clorox on everything, including my hands. So, we should be safe... I SHOULD BE SAFE. Apparently I am  the only one in this world that hasn't gotten the "KISSING DISEASE"! And should I really be punished for that? I think not!


Michael V Schroeder said...

I didn't mention that one yet =) lol

Alyssa said...

I think I am getting this disease.
not really but I think I am getting sick.

Alyssa said...

PS. you deleted a blog.
that's my job.

wendybird said...

Brittany! i love your blog and you! hooray! bahaha. i always think that i am getting mono too... you are not alone in your strangness :) also, did you go to student council??!!!