Friday, October 31, 2008

Grow Up.

Well, because I study a lot, I have learned something new. This is in sociology, which I am starting to LOVE, ages 13-19 are your adolescent years. And most people believe themselves younger than what they really are. The last two sentences are facts that I was studying for a test on Thursday. I read the part where it said we think of ourselves younger... and I realized that was so me. I don't ever feel like I should be in college, allowed to drive myself around, or be responsible for making my own meals. And then there is a birthday that is coming up in 30 days. And I love birthdays, I make everyone my personal slave (for about a week) and LOVE the day. But this year I seem to be going through, which can only be defined as, a "late adolescence" crisis.

Last year my argument was, 18 yr. olds shouldn't be allowed to make a decision as big as where they want to live and what they want to do with the rest of their lives. I mean, wow, hello trust?

This year, I argue with myself a lot. I get every frustrated day to day for not knowing what I want to study. I honestly don't have a clue. I thought one major was my path, but really?, I think that's just to say I have something. I don't know what I want to do.

One friend told me awhile ago to grow-up. It was meant in a joking way, but I hadn't ever heard that before. I have always been pretty mature, and when I am not... I always know. But the phrase "grow up", it just seemed a little too harsh and blunt that it made me think.

So I am a year away from young adulthood, the part of your life where you are suppose to "start your career, get a job, and start a family." In my class we learn that if you don't have a firm grasp in young adulthood, you will struggle the rest of your life.

Suddenly, I feel like all the lessons are about my own life. So in a year, I need a job, major and family. Yep... seems like a GREAT time for a "late adolescence" crisis.


Taylor said...

lets just stick to finding a major...leave the whole starting a family and job part out of the picture for a couple more years. lol

Alyssa said...

ditto to what taylor said.
don't get married. yet.
B you are still a kid. you are a college kid. you don't have to be an old fart yet.
pleeease. my life would be so boring.