Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I am not being descriptive.

- sat in my car on the side of the road just outside Globe for 2 hours
- missed family pictures.
- made a bomb shirt for Gabe.
- when to homecoming.
- Alyssa
- Gabe homecoming king
- saw Michael and Eagle Eye
- then I got to see my family.

- worked hard.
- really hard.
- all day hard.

- woke up early.
- cleaned.
- got ready.
- farewell
- saw FAMILY
- back to the house.
- ran around doing errands
- talked with people
- took family pictures
- lost my phone
- nose bleed
- went to my hiding place
- talked to a friend, a good friend
- snuck out to see a friend
- got sick

- sick
- ill
- breakfast
- rescheduled my midterm
- nose bleed
- got ready to leave
- lunch
- goodbyes
- left
- came back
- left again
- Pyschology

I would totally go into detail. But I am going to study. I should study. Studying is good.
a special picture post will be coming.

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