Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I know this is a week late.
This weekend Turbo and I took a little 2 hour trip to Tucson to visit Pamella. She is babysitting the Thorne babies. But if you saw these kids, they don't look like babies. Dallas is 3 and tells you "what-ever" in reply to anything he doesn't agree with. And Dylan is 5 months. He smiles when you say his name or just look at him. The happiest boy. While these boys look very big, they are so sweet and fun to play with. Dallas calls me, Burk-key. It is fun to see Pamella too. She is in her element with these kids. I really am a bad helper for her, but she said that's ok cause she really doesn't need help. That's a REALLY good thing, I observe more than act. :].
One night she made Sprinkle Cupcakes. I hear they are suppose to be the best. Well, they tasted like coffee and I really didn't care for them. Pamella made a minor error in making the treats and it resulted in us eating them with a fork (yes I still ate them even though they resembled dirt). So I wasn't aloud to take pictures, but it was funny. She spent all night making these. At night, I was sitting on the couch with Dallas next to me watching Piglets Big Movie, and he snuggled with me, it was cute. The highlight of my weekend I think. Basically they are the cutest happiest boys.

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