Wednesday, October 29, 2008

that girl.

I am that girl who can't sleep without my frog.
I am that girl that will do all those embarrassing things on camera, and not think about the consequences until later.
I am that girl who can be so frustrated with my family, and will attack the person who says anything about them.
I am that girl who would drive for hours just to see her best friend for an hour.
I am that girl who still screams in the scary movies.
I am that girl who will blush at about anything.
I am that girl that doesn't really see the point to wearing make-up everyday.
I am that girl who laughs so hard that my stomach hurts for days.
I am that girl who, if timed right, can have anything come out of her nose.
I am that girl who cries when my loved ones cries.
I am that girl who knows families are forever.
I am that girl who would rather sleep all day because 
dreams are amazing.
I am that girl who gets attached and can be too intense.
I am that girl who screams and ducks from the ball in a soccer game.
I am that girl who loves a lot.
I am that girl that realizes that the perfect moment is all the small imperfect ones added up.
I am that girl who can laugh at herself. 
I am that girl who gets mad and turns red.
I am that girl who gives awkward side hugs at the door.
I am that girl who will laugh about a joke 2 minutes after-the-fact. 
I am that girl who will laugh when there is nothing else to do.
I am that girl who goes along with wild ideas, just to support the people.
I am that girl who will argue the opposite just for the sake of arguing. 
I am that girl who only has green beans and oatmeal in the cupboard.
I am that girl that can't ever make a decision.
I am that girl who wakes up at midnight wanting to take a walk.
I am that girl who will clean until I die if there is bug nearby.
I am that girl who tells her mom everything.
I am that girl that gets nose freezes, not brain freezes.
I am that girl whose mom made her a friend in 7Th grade.
I am that girl that laughs to hard and gets hiccups. 
I am that girl that still gets excited for birthdays.
I am that girl who spends hours picking out the right celebration card.
I am that girl that still leaves a note out for Santa.
I am that girl who has the best dad in the world.
I am just that girl.
(post inspired by my beautiful friends and the boy that said I wasn't normal)


Alyssa said...

oh I love this so much.
seriously I almost cried this is all so true and why I love you.
:] love. a lot.

Michael V Schroeder said...

aren't you glad you're not normal?? =D

meggs said...

i am so happy that people love to follow me...hahahah

Joey said...

You are also that girl who we all love so much and who is my girl's favorite..........