Tuesday, July 21, 2009

yOu CaN cAlL mE pRiNcEsS

Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age
The child is grown, and puts away childish things.

Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies.
-Edna St. Vincent Millay
Breaking Dawn

Apparently my post have been without smiles.
I am going to try to make for that and write something delightful.

I started cleaning out my drawers for a donation drive. The girls misinterpreted it as "dress up" day. And I was all too willing to let them have their fun. What can I say? They are the cutest kids. You couldn't say no either!!!

Chloe twirled like the princess she is.

Sophie adores Chloe and Chloe is eager to help sissy.

Once the crown is on, its all business and no smiles.

I've started reading, again. I am very nearly, hesitating, maybe, perhaps, almost decided, to read the Harry Potter series again. I am desperate for a good book.
Any suggestions???
You can only read about emotional werewolves and romantic vampires so long. My dreams have started running wild and hiking the mountain has me jumpy.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Ive started reading "My Sisters Keeper" a very good story, just very sad.. you kind of get the feeling to call everyone you know and tell them how much you love them...