Monday, July 27, 2009

A Whole New World....

Magic in my Monday.

Something magical happened.

Sunday Rocky and I packed Goldie with bout a fourth of my school stuff and hit the road to Thatcher. I decided to make Rocky drive. (A serious act of faith) But the kid only made it to Apache Junction, when he got to tired to continue. So we know that he will never be coming home.

Some people may think that Thatcher only holds dirt, cotton farms, abandon shops and a hand full of geographically challenged people. This is all true, or so I thought. Maybe if you are driving through you might believe this, or just stopping in for a rushed visit. But if you really are "in" Thatcher you realize it has magic, hidden all around the edges, pulling the town together.

Sunday night we (10 people) played games in my apartment. I met new friends and laugh so very hard. Then today we were standing in line at the college when my new friends walked up and said hi. We decided in 20 minutes we would met at Casa's to have lunch. Then in Casa's our waitress came up and asked us how Sister Black was doing, talked to Rocky about starting school and just caught up on life with us. I sat in my most favorite restaurant watching the people there. As people would walk in the door they would spot a familiar face and go over to give there greetings. The owner was constantly walking around asking customers about family members and recent trips they had taken. Driving out of the town you see people waving to one another and just generally smiling. That is magical.

It was a fast drive back to Phoenix where I went straight to work and had a reality check, not every place is as friendly as my Thatch Town. Some people might read this and think, "Wow, this girl is really being deprived of the trills of traveling." I guess that might be right. But I can't think that another place could hold such love and welcoming open arms as my Thatcher does.

I believe in magic.

1 comment:

Steph Weaver said...

Brit! You better come see us! We have been gone a couple weeks but are back for good.

I can't believe you and Rocky are in college! I am feeling your mom's empty nest pains...kind of. Ellie goes to school with the boys starting next week and I won't have any babies at home anymore! Tell her if she is bored, we will come visit!