Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sunday at it's best.

They found the car seats in my closet.

I said, "SMILE." And Chloe suddenly fell asleep!

We were late for church on Sunday. I mean, it was 8 and we were just eating breakfast, church started in a hour. And plus we were having pancakes, which meant the very clean little girls would have to take another tub before church. In the rush and panic of missing Sacrament, I forgot the basics. Luckily Sophie was there, sitting at the counter, arms folded, looking at me, waiting to say the prayer. I was running around cutting pancakes and almost cried when I saw her. She is so sweet and so innocent and perfect. We quickly all stopped what we were doing and Chloe said the prayer.

Earlier while I was still making the pancakes I told Chloe to go pick out her dress, just thinking it would keep her busy enough for me to finish breakfast. Well she did pick out her dress and then helped Sophie pick out hers. It was so cute. They are getting too big!

Sacrament meeting was almost over, and Chloe was so excited for it to be nursery time! The man giving the talk was talking about returning to live with our Heavenly Father. Chloe was next to me playing with a barbie. The man said, "It is amazing to think [there is a way] we can't live with Heavenly Father." I didn't even know that Chloe was paying attention, she is always doing 10 things at once. She looked at me so sad and said, "I can't live with Heavenly Father?" It took me a second to respond, Chloe is so deep for a 3 year old. "Yes. You can live with Heavenly Father." "But the guy just said no." "Umm, he was just joking. You can live with Him." She looked at me for a second, then brushed it off and played with another toy.

i lOvE tHeSe LiTtLe GiRlS sO vErY mUcH!!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Its so sad that everytime Bobby drops the girls off to you they are filthy dirty! If I were you I would demand that he take them back, clean them, and then return to you in perfect cleanliness.