Sunday, March 22, 2009

I just love these girls!

OH the things that happen!

Friday morning at approx 3ish AM Meigen took a girl to the airport and picked up our good friend Alyssa Jesser. So then around 12ish PM Alyssa and I drove back to Ptown. (Kinda boring for Alyssa. But the car ride was SO fun. Like seriously. There was this one part where we found the karaoke version the "Thunder Rolls". Bahaha. Alyssa is pretty good.)

We went to Sonic before and had some serious difficulties opening up this water bottle. Poor Alyssa. She was so parched. Bahahaha. Priceless.

Oh. And there was this row of 6 BIKERS dudes and I started passing them, but then I car came and I was in between them for like 30 MINUTES. Three in front 3 behind me. I kinda felt like I was in a gang. Oh but wait. 2 of the bikes were in these tricycles. Hello? That's NOT tough. I took pictures.

Later that day...

Friday night I was Australia with my mom. LONGEST MOVIE EVER! There was 3 times I thought it was over. But nope, it kept going. It was a good movie. A little bit intense, but I enjoyed it.

Saturday Sarah came over and told us Bobby was in the hospital. Gezzz. This family deserves their own wing in the hospital. So we took the girls. Grandma took us to Cricket park. Nap time came quickly. I love nap time!

So once they were out I left with Alyssa and Rachel to Mill Avenue. First we stopped and had a chocolate shake with our very bestest friend Taylor Webb.

Mill Ave baby! Took a bit to get there. Rachel giving directions and Alyssa driving. The roads were kinda a mess. And it was an adventure.

Later that night, I came home and put the girls to bed. (My mom did the hard work of getting them ready for bed.) And went to Target where I kidnapped Tay, Rachel, and Alyssa and made them come to Chili's. PJ's and all. :D

And today is Sunday. The girls are home and I am leaving for school early in the morning. Currently I am sitting on the couch with the rest of my family and we are having a debate on when Sister Black is coming home on her mission. My mom is making a very convincing argument that Nov. 2008 to Nov. 2009 is 13 months. I told her that that is fine, but for the rest of the world (the ones that use the calendar as a measure of time) we know there are 12 months in a year. Although, I myself am starting to believe her.


Ok, I am going to get back to the debating!

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

best videos I have ever EVER seen.
Your brother is a beast. poor kid, "don't drink it, cause it's Alyssa's." HAHAHA. poor kid does all that work and then can't even enjoy the reward.
good times.