Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Just takin' a walk.

So I have found that when I need to think, and find some reason with my thoughts, I can't be in the confining walls of our apartment. So, normally its night time, walking is the best cure. I have a favorite spot, and like to go there when I need to think and talk to certain people. Well, tonight while I was in mid-thought, Owen came and we talked for a long time. Owen happens to ALWAYS have a rope with him, he thinks he is all cowboy or something.... ;). Well, I have been practicing and regardless of what he says, I am getting pretty good. We went on a walk, well back to my apartment, but got side tracked by the empty canal. Owen just straight up jumped over the little wall down in the sand. I mean its not that far, but still. Crazy. So then after HELPING me down we walked through that a little. And I saw a skunk! It was WAY insane. It was up on the bank and we were in the canal so all I could see was the tail. It looked like a feather walking. Owen, who happens to be half giant, could see it. Weird how many things are outside here. So then we walked back to the apartment.... had a bit of an er, tussle. OK, so I took his rope... Its annoying and scary how he is always throwing it towards my face trying to rope me. I mean really? is this necessary? Anyways, I DIDN'T get to cut it up in a million pieces and then burn them like I HAD promised him... Mostly cause he got it back.

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

Yeah so did you hear anything tonight? Because I totally didn't.
Seriously I can't do this.
Ahhhh. save me?