Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Think Fast

So I had a toothache Monday morning, and I went to my first class and then called my mom. She said to come home to the dentist as soon as I could. So I called, made an appointment and was on my way. Aw, it was a little sad leaving Ashli. I seriously was gone maybe a minute and was at the gas station filling up my tank and received this message from her, "I miss you already". AW. She is more than my roommate, she is my friend! LOL! ;). So..... Ugh. The ride home is so long. I was trying to make good time, kinda backfired on me a bit. But when I got home it was like heaven. Seriously, I am so dramatic. I start getting off the 101 on 7Th Ave. and was tearing up because I missed it so much. HA HA. So I then when to Taylor, oh wait... I saw Michael, "Talked to him for like a second". Finally got my scriptures back. I have been using tiny ones for the past month, so these feel like I am holding the original golden plates. OK.... So then I saw Taylor! What a strange concept that we have different friends. But it was so good to see her and her family. My Webb family. Then hung out with the family... My brother got glasses! He looks SO DANG CUTE! Some people look really good in glasses, Rocky and I happen to be those people. LOL. But so modest and not at all vain. So Tuesday, I had my appointment. Then I came home and Pamella had done all my laundry! I thought I was going to have to leave without it done. That was a nice surprise. So before I left Ben came over to visit. I miss Ben so much. He always has the best stories of people being dumb. It was so good to see him. Then I left, but not till 5, so I was in rush hour traffic. Yeah, dumb. But Taylor made me a CD for the ride home, and I listened to it 3 times. It was really good. Everything I started falling asleep I sang " SHAKE SHAKE, SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE IT!" haha. Then I got home around 8:30. Skyeller came over and we watched The Cave, thinking it would be really scary. I don't know what it is about people but when I tell them I get scared easily, that excites them. But the movie was lame, scary but lame. So around 2 in the morning we went to bed. Hahaha.

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