Monday, September 1, 2008

I'm Backkkk!

Came home for the 3 day weekend!
It was lots of fun. I got to talk to my family, a luxury that I had forgotten about. I miss being able to see the expressions, and knowing I have people's full attention. And I got the little monsters this weekend. I really think they get cuter everyday. I had my glasses on and Chloe didn't even recognize me. Sad day. Sophie is crawling EVERYWHERE! She is soo cute.
Hanging with Taylor is always a fun time. I miss telling her all my life problems. So I caught her up!

On the ride I drove down with Kelci and Darryn. Fun girls. We listened to Brian Regan for awhile. That's really only funny to me because I can picture Rocky trying to breathe he is laughing so hard.

Before I went back, I performed a miracle. Like for reals! My little travel suit case had a pile of clothes in it. But I was never going to shut. But I, (aka AMAZING), sat on it, and pulled to little zippers until it shut. Really, I thought it was going to burst open, but it all fit. Faith people, faith. So after I did that, I took a lot of pictures and woke my mom up to show her. As you imagined, she was so proud of her little PRINCESS!

The way back was interesting. We named my little toy car Turbo. Turbo sounds like a little lawn mower when you drive it up hill. I am so proud of it making it both ways. Not going to lie, I was a little worried on the way home when we were only going 40 mph up the mountain. Well the way there, apparently I hit something and like plastic was hanging off. But we took a poll inside the car and determined it wasn't an necessary piece. Surprisingly though, that didn't put my dad at ease. But TURBO made it safe. She is really tired now, so I promised I wouldn't make the trip again for at least a month. But it was good to be home and see my family.

Though I am still not over that I won't be able to see Pamella open her mission call, I missed my little small town. And my roommates. I am starting to LOVE Thatcher, and all its little quarks.

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