Friday, September 12, 2008

What A Rush!

Dance Dance

Where do I begin? It was all so fast and so FUN! Tonight was so much fun. Guess I'll start how the idea began. There is an institute dance on Friday (Today). And the theme was "High School Stereotypes", and you where suppose to dress up as one. So... I was like "Nerd" all the way! I had my glasses and everything. But then after a discussion in my living room one day, pretty much Thursday afternoon, Darryn, Ashli and I decided to be gangsta's!!! Ha ha. So we were going to borrow so boys baggy pants, and go for the rest. Well..... It ended up being better than I thought. So like today before the dance I was talking to Skyeller. And telling him to dress up. He was like, "What if I went as a banana?" Oh gosh. What an AWESOME idea! I told him he would be my hero for at least one month. So the kid was like, "OK saw it at Walmart, I am doing it." Ha Ha. I really didn't think he was... but it was cool that he thought he was. So we were going to Walmart to get his Banana suit and my gangsta shirt.
Turns out that he did find a banana suit and he did buy it. But first he tried to all on in the store. SO FUNNY! OK, then getting ready for the dance. Skyeller's friend Trevor lended us his pants (;)) and we started getting ready. I think I have been waiting my whole life to dress like this. Boy's pockets are HUGE! I fitted my phone, camera, lip gloss and keys in it and you couldn't even tell. Anyways... Alyssa had gotten tattoes and we had LOTS of fun with that. Logan and Ashli: both put a "Tramp Stamp" on. It was SO much fun. So funny. Alyssa dressed up as a EMO and Owen was a COWBOY! It was SO fun! I loved it. Wearing baggy clothes, hats, and walking like a penguin is like totally me. So the dance was way fun. But my pants were always falling off! And Adam taught me this way cool, really old, EFY dance. That totally went with my gangsta look. I have so much fun. Dressing up was so much fun. The banana, totally respect Skyeller for that. He was the "CLASS CLOWN" Such a way cool kid. I am so glad I went to this. Awww, fun fun. Oh. then came home! FINALLY! and went to Sonic with Ashli and Owen. Then came home and talked to Ashli and Logan for FOREVER and now its like 3 A.M. Saturday and its just now hitting me. Good times tonight. Way fun. Everyone was so cool. The dance was so funny.....

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