Thursday, January 22, 2009

Forgive me if I still studder from all the clutter in my head.

You are just a temperature in a shape.

Temperature cold, Shape ugly.

Me at Ben's bombfire. I helped with the fire too p.s.!!

Michael New Years. Oh gezzz...

Rocky at his SURPRISE (ish) 18th birthday party.

Day after Thanksgiving decorating the house! We are all wearing Santa hats, and TRYING to take a picture. Simba was NOT to happy!

So while at Home Depot one time Michael was checking out at a "self-checkout" and I pushed the Spanish button right before he started. I was laughing but then got side tracked with something and walked away. Well... I look back and Michael is having some serious problems. I thought he was in Spanish? Oh my goodness, I was laughing so HARD! He was so angry and embarrassed but was laughing, I think to keep from yelling at me. Finally someone helped out. Oh, you see this nice, funny look he is giving? Yeah, it's deceiving.


Michael V Schroeder said...

"oh yeah I'd go too but its awkward when I help..."

Michael V Schroeder said...

ps thats apple juice