Tuesday, October 27, 2009

you have to do this right...

Cody picked me this flower while we were long boarding.
It honestly looks awesomely fake.

So I don't know if this is blog appropriate, but here it is . . .

Sometimes I think boys are clueless. Actually I always think that. They have their moments though. Whether I am dating them, talking to them, or just really good friends with them... sometimes pointing out the obvious is necessary. Tonight was a wonderful example of this. Let me tell you how it happened.

There is this boy Cody Miller. He is super funny and nice and I truly enjoy being in his company. But like most boys, Cody needs a blunt push in the right direction when it comes to certain things. His particular struggle is dating. His idea of this is, "Hey wanna go on a date? Institute is playing dodge ball."

Rule 1 for any boys reading this. If you are taking a normal sane girl out, don't have it involve ANYTHING that requires a ball being hurled at her head. It kinda sends out the message that you have hostile feelings towards her.

That was his attempt. And for the last week he has been fine with the "hangout." So tonight, as we sat on the wall by the chocolate river, I expressed my feelings in a way, that no matter how clueless he might be, it would not go unheard. I told him:

"There is a right way to do this. You have a plan. Then you go and you have a time. Then you have a date. That's what qualifies dating. You plan it. You have a time to pick the girl. And then it's a date. I need a plan, a time and date. Figure out this way. And then come see me."

I jumped off the wall, said, "Next time I see you we will be on a date" gave him a quick kiss and skipped up to my room. The look on his face was priceless. So just at I am writing this, about 30 minutes after the fact, Cody shows up at my door.

"OK. I have a plan. Are you working Thursday? Will you go on a date with me."

I can't help but smile.

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