Tuesday, October 6, 2009

wata day...

I am icing my foot right now. It is so very sad, it hurt all weekend, but I had no patience for that. And then with all the recent roommate wars, it has been neglected. Oh poor ankle. Ha ha, you should see Rocky... we are going to come home in a body cast.

JOHN SCHMIDT came and played for us today. It was A-MAZ-ING. He is so talented, and hilarious. I just laughed and was in complete awe. I'm totally pumped to learn piano now. Or maybe I should just buy a CD? Hmmm.... that seems more do-able.


Taylor said...

what did you do?!

brittany said...

Tay. I fall over, trip and just get hurt standing. Idk what I did? I have new bruises everyday. Seriously, I think I am disabled. I walked up the stairs the other day and somehow biffed it? New bruise there. Ohhh well.
hehehe love ya.