Thursday, June 18, 2009

"I need my baby soup!"

I got a call today informing me that the Johnson's were at the doctors and leaving to take Sophie to the hospital. So they dropped Chloe off with me, and we had quite a day. First we visited the grandparents. Then we played in the little pool, without a baby soup! [bathing suit] But due to us BOTH being scared to death of bugs, we had to come inside quickly. It was then nap time. Nap time is fun with just Chloe, I don't have to be so strict with what we do. While she was sleeping I was in the kitchen cleaning up. After about an hour, I opened the door so she wouldn't sleep to long, it was kinda a late nap. I turned around and she was standing there staring at me. I about jumped out of my skin! I was like, "Chloe!! You scared me!!" She said, "I did NOT scare you!" Together we made koolaid. She drank a full cup. Then later, threw it up on the couch. After impromptu showers, we played with barbies. She was so focused. She stayed there and just played by herself so well. I went in, to see her kneeling and trying to put shoes on. I said, "Chloe the pizza is here, do you want some?" And like a teenaged boy, she threw her toys to the side and yelled, "Dinner's ready!" and ran out of the room. Her daddy came to pick her up and let us know that Sophie will be staying in the hospital. Poor little sick girls. Get well soon!!!

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