Monday, December 15, 2008

Grades; Man's Hold On Societies Future

Happiness: To Bad It Doesn't Last.

Picture taken when the world was happy.

They are so subjective. It is a known fact that the world is seen different through each pair of eyes. With this knowledge, how are you ever able to throw a symbol (A-F) at a piece of another's work and have that be the correct evaluation? This seems like a very unjust process that our culture has accepted as a norm. It isn't right that a person should be told how to express themselves. That is where the fun is learning comes in. How are you expected to get excited about an assignment when you are continually told your work does not meet the required expectations for a certain grade. Whose expectations are you meeting exactly? You are so busy following the correct outline, you lose the personality that makes it unique. Are we teaching the next generation that they must seek the approval of others before they can be proud of their work? This is the same ignorance that kept our world square for so long. Grades are just another way to control and gain power. What are we teaching the young ones?

As you may have guessed, I received an unpleasant grade today in one class I was very prepared for. I am very disappointed. I tried so hard and did everything asked of me. As soon as I saw the ugly letter I ran into the living room yelling, "Mommmmm. Mommmmm". She was sitting on the couch, and looked up worried as I loudly threw myself next to her. "Are you sick," haha, that's the first thing people always think I am. Nice. I told her about my grade and she said, are you ready for this? "I am so proud of you. You tried so hard. And that is still an very good grade." HA. Basically I have no future as of now. When I told my parents this, they laughed at me. Very nice. College is hard. You leave thinking you did great and come home to find you fell short. It is a very cruel practice. I am deciding whether to take this as a challenge and just prepare myself for the upcoming semester, and make this one perfect. Or to pout the entire break and leave for school dreading the next 5 months.

For now, I am just mad at my teacher. False hope much? Cruel cruel cruel!!! (hmm, seems I picked the second choice. At least for now. Can't a girl just pout? Is that so wrong?)


Alyssa said...

i love this picture and you.
brittany:]]I will explain on the other blog.:] but basically grades are just grades maybe my boy motto should be your grade motto?
you did what you could.
and that IS enough.

Pam said...

It's "Too Bad" ps...

I love love love you...and miss you! Your blog looks great! Send me some stuff from pac-sun... please? :) OH AND I NEED THOSE ADDRESSES I ASKED YOU FOR... PRONTO. AS IN ASAP. OR ELSE MY CHRISTMAS CARDS WON'T GO OUT. THANKS.