Tuesday, December 30, 2008

To My Public...

So sorry for my lack of posts. I blame the holidays. They make me want to spend every moment with family and friends. Therefor, I have not been a good blogger. I have been spending my days at Pac Sun working! I am so happy I had a job over break, it makes me feel so old and mature. (:]) I am in denial of the break ending. I LOVE being home! SO MUCH! I love seeing my family everyday. And having my friends right down the road. Its going to be so hard leaving. But I do miss my roommates too. School is a bit of a different life for me. It is filled with things like, groceries. UGH! I detest that fact. I do love my Thatcher town though. But I do prefer to do what I want everyday. That is a good choice.

Anyways. I did write a post on Christmas day, about Christmas... I will post that soon. I am still working on somethings. I hope the new year brings happiness to everyone.

I love this season! Its full of hope and love. And I just can't get enough of it! OH! And don't forget about your missionaries. (this is more to me than anyone.) Talking to Sister Black was perfect. That was one of my favorite things. I miss her soo much.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Frosty The Snowman


Said Frosty.

Oh goodness! It was the best Christmas. Once again, it was more than I expected. Our family started a tradition about 5 years ago (my father just told me it has been longer) of asking for three gifts. It helps us to remember the true meaning of Christmas. We ask for a Gold, this is our WANT. Next is Frankincense, or the NEED. Finally the Myrrh, something to SHARE. I love that my mom started this. We each (actually just me, Pamella had a way of turning all three into Gold's. Rocky, I think, doesn't even know they are suppose to be three different things) have to think about what we want and why we ask for it.

I love Christmas. Every morning before we get to open our stockings or presents we all sit together and give a special gift. Since, like pretty much always, we give a gift to Jesus for the next year. In a special glass heart jar, one we only bring out once a year, and on a piece of paper we write what we will do this next year. But before we write the next year, we each read aloud from the past year. Then after we write our new gift, we put it in the jar and go to the stockings.

My mom got t
eary on the phone with Pamella. I loved talking to Sister Black. I miss her so much lately. I know she misses us so much, but we only have like 16 months left, its going by pretty quickly.
Me opening the cutest little Tiffany's Box.

Rocky talking to Pamella on the phone.

Chloe and Sophie in their little Christmas outfits.


It is truly not the gifts you receive this year, but the feeling that is in your home. I am grateful that my parents have continually made an effort to remind us of the true meaning of Christmas. It is to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Presents is a tradition we added, but not the purpose. Hope everyone has a fantastic day, filled with family, love and laughter! (Haha, sometimes I get just a tad cheesey. But its how I think.)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

According To Michael:

World problem solved.

(Why when I take pictures do I make this face?)
This just in:

During a recent conversation with Michael Schroeder, the "Big Bang Theory" came up. (How? I have no idea. I never know where our conversations are heading.) So as I sat there (trying to at least act like I knew what he was saying) he showed me many picture, sorry wrong word, "diagrams" of how the universe first began. Then applied the idea to a balloon. (I must say, he was very good at dumbing it down for me. A little insulting, but I was still impressed) If you put dots on a deflated balloon they will stay close and all at the same distance. But as you blow the balloon up, the dots begin to move and separate. The same is with our universe, it is continually expanding. (OK, this is the twister... I might lose some people here.) According to Michael, if you know how to play pool, you can solve the question, "Where is the center of the universe?" Little does Schroeder know, I already know this answer. (At this point, I was wishing he started out with this question. It would have saved lots of time.) My parents always tell me, "You are the center of the universe." I have known this since birth. Apparently it is new to the rest of the world. Perhaps I should write a book about my findings? Title it the "Brittany Black Theory"? Anyways, it was a very educational conversation, for Schroeder that is.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


To quote my very good friend Alyssa Jesser:
It was one of those days.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Grades; Man's Hold On Societies Future

Happiness: To Bad It Doesn't Last.

Picture taken when the world was happy.

They are so subjective. It is a known fact that the world is seen different through each pair of eyes. With this knowledge, how are you ever able to throw a symbol (A-F) at a piece of another's work and have that be the correct evaluation? This seems like a very unjust process that our culture has accepted as a norm. It isn't right that a person should be told how to express themselves. That is where the fun is learning comes in. How are you expected to get excited about an assignment when you are continually told your work does not meet the required expectations for a certain grade. Whose expectations are you meeting exactly? You are so busy following the correct outline, you lose the personality that makes it unique. Are we teaching the next generation that they must seek the approval of others before they can be proud of their work? This is the same ignorance that kept our world square for so long. Grades are just another way to control and gain power. What are we teaching the young ones?

As you may have guessed, I received an unpleasant grade today in one class I was very prepared for. I am very disappointed. I tried so hard and did everything asked of me. As soon as I saw the ugly letter I ran into the living room yelling, "Mommmmm. Mommmmm". She was sitting on the couch, and looked up worried as I loudly threw myself next to her. "Are you sick," haha, that's the first thing people always think I am. Nice. I told her about my grade and she said, are you ready for this? "I am so proud of you. You tried so hard. And that is still an very good grade." HA. Basically I have no future as of now. When I told my parents this, they laughed at me. Very nice. College is hard. You leave thinking you did great and come home to find you fell short. It is a very cruel practice. I am deciding whether to take this as a challenge and just prepare myself for the upcoming semester, and make this one perfect. Or to pout the entire break and leave for school dreading the next 5 months.

For now, I am just mad at my teacher. False hope much? Cruel cruel cruel!!! (hmm, seems I picked the second choice. At least for now. Can't a girl just pout? Is that so wrong?)

Friday, December 12, 2008

it will be over before you know it.

So these past few days have been INSANE! With finals and family, I am just exhausted. But happy to be in my "P-Town" bed. Ahhh.... Its so nice to be home, and have everything familiar. Haha. I CAN'T BELIEVE I AM DONE WITH MY FIRST SEMESTER! It seems like the other day I was laying in the back seat of the truck, on the way up to Thatcher, telling my mom I would like to skip the "college thing". Haha, NOW I am well into it and love how it's all going. I can't believe where I am at. It's quite crazy to remember that a year ago I was worried about center pieces and ticket sales. It's not a saying when people say "enjoy it while it lasts, it will be over before you know it." That's all I have for now! ENJOY THE HOLIDAY SEASON!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Reflections of Christ

One of my very first devotionals I attended here at E.A. was with Mark Mabry as our speaker. His art work was displayed around the room, and I was able to hear his story. It was such an a amazing fireside. Later I was in the bookstore with my mom and I saw his book. I realized what a privilege it was to hear from him. I am so grateful for my experiences, especially the ones that take me a while to understand.

This is Mark Mabry's collection of pictures.
Reflections of Christ.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Give the Gift...

I wanted to tell about my morning, or write about me. But this is a little more interesting. Its on my Christmas list: TOMS

Friday, December 5, 2008

Where does the time go..

I cannot carry on.

For my very faithful... 2? readers. Sorry I have neglected my blog. This week has been some what of a rush. Finals are Monday at 8-11 and 1-3 and then Tuesday at 9-11 and Wednesday at 7AM-10. I am so worried I am going to forget one.

I think I have developed chronic stress and anxiety. These last few days just the though of next week makes me run around and talk to all my teachers for one last time. Plus, I have an essay due Monday and wrote the whole thing, yet it only adds up to half the words I need. (Because I am sitting in English at the moment) I just asked my teacher, "What am I missing in this essay?" And he said, "You're missing about 500 words." HA HA I am so stressed it made me laugh VERY hard.

So to match my beautiful attitude, today my outfit consist of a ginormous sweat shirt, track pants, flip flops and my hair is messily up. It gives out the message, "I have given up on life's basics."

So, my blog has kinda been the last thing on my mind. Last night I wrote a long explanation on my roommate's recent behavior, but it wasn't up to my standard, so I will hopefully get back to that soon. English is going to be my downfall, I am pretty sure. I think I speak fairly well, why can't I just have an A? Ha, ha. That has been my argument for days now, Ashli LOVES to remind me how foolish I sound.

So for everyone NOT in college and going through life altering finals
, pray for those that are. This could possibly be the most stressful time of my life. Ha, don't worry...

I am still your DRAMATIC GIRL!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Ok, can't say much...


Just watch:

So, it was the greatest way to spend my birthday. I love these girls so much! Here are some priceless pictures.
(If you are trying to understand what we are doing, just think your best friends, and all the ridiculous things you do with them. That's what we are doing. Only we are doing it in a better and cooler way than you!)

And she thinks she isn't beautiful. Nonsense.




I believe I look tall?

It was just that good.

She is super hero, that's that.

I was blindfolded

The baker

The Cake

"I kissed your ear"

"I tried to ignore it"


This is Meigen, enough said.

Why are they so beautiful? Even when they aren't trying!

The fire, take one.

I love this. Thank you.

Imaginary friend?
