Saturday, February 6, 2010

I've got it!

I don't want to be a dentist.
I don't want to be a lawyer.
I don't want to be in business.
I don't want to be a construction worker.
I don't want to be a seamstress.

I shall be a teacher.

I have changed my major so many times over the last month. Those are a few examples. But after two days of nothing but teaching, I am convinced that I want to be a teacher. My family is sad that I have sentenced myself to poverty... joke! I made these beautiful pictures at the workshop this weekend. One side is what everyone sees on the outside, and the other side is what is in the inside.

On the inside I talked about: Chloe and Sophie, graduating, writing my siblings on missions, education major, my family, and how sunflowers follow the light.

I am pretty proud of my picture.

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

this is awesome!
and we are the same.
this summer can we go find a field of sunflowers and just take pictures and hang out in them forever?
I miss sunflowers.
and you.