Friday, April 18, 2008

Mascot Games

Today at the Happy Valley shopping center we were invited to play in the mascot games with all the major mascots in Phoenix. It was a lot of fun. Our school sold the drinks, that I went to get. It wasn't an easy task. I am pretty sure I am like 5 times more buffer from carrying all those ginormous drinks everywhere. Quite the adventure. But it all paid off in the end.

Gabe was our school's mascot. And he was simply amazing. He did flips, which is not easy when your head is 5 times as big. All the little kids loved him and followed him around. He couldn't see anything, so he sometimes ran them over, but played it off quite well. It was so entertaining to see the other mascots fight with each other. Luckily they went pretty easy on the Bulldog!

(more pictures to come, there was a problem when a certain camera died)

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