Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Snow Day

First: Update on that dinner I made. It was okay BUT I should have NEVER added the broccoli in so soon. Ugh, it smelled and that is the one thing I would change. Cody, bless his heart, ate his entire plate with enthusiasm. 

Today we woke up to snow, and a lot of it. It hasn't snowed in a while so I thought what a wonderful time to get some maternity pictures done. Everyone I want to do my pictures is far far away. But lucky me, Cody bought me a ridiculously nice camera for my birthday, so he was the photographer.

It was a little rough...

But fun.


Tiffany said...

Hey! I found you from April's blog...I can't believe that you've been married a year already and that you are pregnant with a little boy! I'm so excited for you! I'm due in May as well, but with #4. Word to the wise...don't have 4 kids in 5 years. Just sayin'...

mrs. barlow said...

Oh you look darling! I love the photos and you guys!