Saturday, August 7, 2010

Day 4: Moonlight

Breakfast on the beach. Walking and shopping. Playing "smashball". Taking pictures. Reading. Singing songs, loudly. Laughing. EATING. Seeing dolphins, 3 different times. Watching the sunset.

Hi Elder Black, Hi Elder Miller!

It was hard for them and the hats to get in the same picture.

I am going to miss being able to wear short short dresses!

I found a patch of sun flowers!

There were some pretty intense games.

Mom's first time in the Ocean.

Pamella almost drown laughing.

I finally got to watch my sunset.

I love this picture.

You know, the usual!


carlotta cisternas said...

sounds like you had an awesome time! adorable photos :)

Alyssa said...

OMG! So I have been without working internet for some long time now. But I just updated myself with your blog.
YOU ARE ADOARBLE. as is your family. favorite is your pink dress sunflower picture:]
I will miss you so so so much B!
please reconsider and come to chicago. love.