Thursday, May 13, 2010

Camp Out

We are never allowed to go camping,
or at least we now know that NOT to do.

1. Do NOT forget matches, lighters, or fire.

[this is me trying to rub to sticks together in hopes to get a spark.]

After trying to use the car lighter so many times, then breaking it, Patrick and AJ went back down the mountain to get fire while Cody and I stayed to put up the tent. I was so sure we were going to be turned in to bear food. Mostly because it was totally black without light and they left us with this tiny flash light about as big as my thumb, yeah. That's not going to last. Fortunately Cody doesn't freak out in the dark and we were able to put up the tent [Cody put up the tent] and hide in it for shelter.

2. Always make extra food,

in case a boy sticks his hands in the fire and tries to carry it.

3. Always have the lighter fluid on the table by your drink.

4. Bring lots of marshmallows, and tin foil.

5. Bring a lot more blankets then you think you will need.

6. Games

[Can you tell I am not a camping person? Cody is warming up my pop tart.]

[we took an adventure walk through Noon Creek. It was so pretty!]

It was so much fun with you guys.

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

hahaah! Oh man I love that we went camping and failed!
my favorite camping trip ever:]!!