Monday, March 8, 2010

Dearest Little Brother:

Oh Elder Black,

How I miss you so very much. I never realized how necessary your presence at school was for me. I miss seeing you at devotional. and driving around with you. I miss watching movies with you, and throwing out quotes that no one else understood. I even miss arguing with you. I hope you are doing well in your mission. I can't believe it has already been 3 months, seems like just the other day I was making you dance in the rain. Then again, it seems to long that I haven't seen you. Do you realize this is the longest we have ever been apart? Sometimes I think of the 13 months timeline between us. It really isn't that much. And even though mom always told us to be closer, I never really felt like she needed to. You are such an example to me. It is a hard thing to leave for 2 years, you are the baby too. I am not quite sure where that courage comes from, but I am so proud of you. You are so special and I love you so much. I am so proud that when people ask me about my brother, and I tell them your name they say, "Oh Rocky! I know Rocky, he is a great guy." Or, "Yeah we know Rocky. He went on splits with us all the time." It just makes me laugh, you got around here at school. I still worry about how clean and ironed your shirts are, or if you have enough time to eat, and if you are going to the store and buying healthy foods. Thankfully I have mom asking me those same questions (as if I would know?) so it keeps me from worrying to much. It is strange to think that you left just as my little brother, and you are going to be a full grown man when you return. I pray that everyone you meet will feed you, and be nice to you. I also pray that you get chased by at lease one dog, or deer?, because you would like that as a mission story. I know that when Pamella gets home we will all miss you so very much, and it will be to bad you aren't going to be here. Because I am not going to listen to her give me the discussions, I think you might let her give you at least a few. Okay, well I just wanted to say I love you and miss you so much more than you know. Mom thinks we don't like each other because the lack of our writing skills. However, she does not realize we have freaky sibling love connection. Ha that's an interesting idea. Be safe, and pray all the time. Prayer is an instant telephone call to your Heavenly Father. And even though I can't talk to you everyday, I can talk to Him. And it makes me feel better know that you are talking to Him as well.

Write back soon,
your favorite brittany

P.S. "I'm sorry" -Joey from Friends. :]

1 comment:

Steph Weaver said...

Brit...I love reading your posts. You are an incredible writer. I loved hearing about Rocky. What a great example he is to all of us!

Hope you are doing well!