Monday, November 8, 2010

Frosty The Snowman came for a visit.

It snowed.

From the early morning to late at night. Never stopping.

Few key points about my day:
I wore glasses and mascara walking towards the snow, end result was huge black tears down my face. I slipped over a dozen times. I fell in the street. My boots were soaking wet, they are infact not water proof. And I made a HUGE mistake.

I told Chloe Frosty The Snowman came for a visit and then I showed her his foot prints [via Skype]. Well, being a brilliant 4 year old, she told me how to find him. "Follow the foot steps all the way, then you will find Frosty at his house." She wanted me to do this while I stayed on the phone with her, so she knew it would get done right. Eventually I coaxed my roommates outside, where we found Flake, Frosty girlfriend. We took some pictures with her and to our disappointment, when we came back outside she was gone. This is for you Chloe!

Flake The Snowgirl


Alyssa said...

you win.
Idaho is way so much colder.
or chicago is just confused.
have fun!
miss you!

Unknown said...

hahah. so one time i was babysitting and i was like kids if you dont go to bed... santa wont come and they were like you dont know santa and i was like yes i do and they were like no you dont... okay shorter story now: i had my little brother pretend to be an elf and they talked to him and they loved him, then they went to bed. THE END. oh and i love you.